Purple nails - for beginners made with Look by Bipa

Hi girls,
These days are so busy, I didn't really got the time to do a nice New Year's Eve, I know I promised I will but....  I came up with a really easy nail art, and a really fast one, it only takes a few minutes. Actually I got some polishes from Austria, I wanted to try them out, so I did something quick, easy and to see how those polishes are. 
I love the color, but I was dissapointed because of the really small brush and zero shine of the polish It is needed base coat + 2 coats of polish + top coat to get a nice result. So, I'm not quite in love with this one :(
I also have a golden liner from the same brand: Look by Bipa, I really don't have anything to complain about it, because it's super cool, fast drying, thin brush, it's OK.
So, I planned to try out the red polishes I got from Saori lately, I was dreaming of a beautiful red nail art for New Year's Eve, and guess what happend! This:
So, I will wear anyway red nails on New Year's Eve, short red nails, I'll share it with you next days :)
Until than, I wish you a Happy New Year, May this New Year bring newly found prosperity, love, happiness and delight in your life.. and a lots of inspirations for us, nail art lovers.

Thank you Saori ♥

Hi girls,

I'm so much happy today, and I'm gonna share with you the source of my happiness :) 
You know, I'm a big fun of Saori, I love her nail art, I love her person, she is so into my heart :) Guess what! I got an awesome package from her today, with a lot of gorgeous products she sent to me :) 
Let's go see the goodies! :)
These are the pictures of all the great things she surprised me:
And now, let's take a closer look on them :)
So, here we got some Shoko Bons (I really love sweet stuffs, yummmi), a nice golden polish from Essence with a really nice thin brush - I just can't wait to try it out :P, a Sally Hansen liner really soft color, and an ivory polish from Borghese, a really nice bottle, I'm so anxious to try them out :P
I got here a hand cream, I already try it out, so my hands are really soft right now after all those cooking and cleaning that I was doing today in order to get prepared for the New Year's Eve :) I also love this cream for it's really nice smell :) There is a really nice blue glitter powder, and a lip smacker with vanilla flavor - really yummi :P
Some stickers, I'm already in love with the one stroke imitation water decal :P, a buffer for natural nails, and a file of classical nail sticker with nice flowers.
And last: two absolutely gorgeous red nail polish from LM Cosmetic, I have decided to wear a nail art at New Year's Eve made of those really beautiful shades :)

So girls, check out Saori's blog, her nail art will leave you without words, and she will never leave your comments without a nice answer, she will never be to busy to answer you, to smile to you, to give you  a nice word Her nail art reflects in such a perfect way her beautiful soul and her kind personality, her blog is like an island of happiness, peace and harmony. 

I want to say once again THANK YOU SO MUCH, my dear SAORI for let me be your friend, for this absolutely gorgeous package, thank you for being such an inspiration for me :) ♥

My Christmas Night nail art / Manichiura mea de Craciun

Hi girls,
I wanna share with you the mani I wear at Christmas night, even if the photos are not so great, :( I was having such a vacation feeling that I couldn't take the time to do the right shoots :P
Anyway, I hope you had a great Christmass, I'll be back soon with a New Years Eve nail art idea.
Until than, take care of you guys, Kisses
Dragele mele,

Vreau sa va arat manichiura mea de Craciun, desi pozele nu sunt foarte reusite pentru ca nu am avut rabdarea de alta data.... Emotiile acelei nopti m-au facut sa nu-i mai acord atata atentie pozelor :P
Sper ca v-ati petrercut alaturi de familia voastra si ati avut un Craciun fericit si plin de dragoste, va mai astept in curand cu o noua idee de manichiura pentru noaptea de Revelion! :)
Pana atunci, aveti grija de voi,
Va pup.

Merry Christmas! Craciun Fericit! Boldog Karacsonyt!

May joy and happiness snow on all of you, may the bells jingle for all of you and may Santa be extra good to you girls! Merry Christmas!

Aripi de îngeri să vă atingă sufletul şi să ia cu ei toate supărările lăsând în schimb lumina şi speranţa!  Vă doresc Sarbatori Fericite!
Kívánom, hogy ne csak a mai nap, de a szíved minden nap karácsonyi szeretetben égjen, a boldogság állandó fénye költözzön életedbe, és az ünnepek elmúltával is úgy ragyogj, mint szenteste a karácsonyfa előtt!

Water decal stickers - how to apply them / Autocolant water decal - cum se aplica

My sweet girls,

You know, I promised to show you how to apply those beautiful one stroke imitation nail art stickers that I'm so in love with. I tried them out on a white base and on a black base as well to see how they look like on different base colors. I'm really happy with the dark base, even if at the beginning I had the sensation that there is not enough contrast between the black base color and the blue roses, at the end I'm really happy with the result. I also used some glitters and blue rhinestones, because I love to combine different decoration styles. Of course, you can mix it up in your own way, with your colors, your style, but I guess this is something that represents me very well. I love black polish combined with king-blue or azure-blue, or even magenta, I love glitters, and I'm also a big fun of one stroke nail art. 
You can buy these stickers from here.
I hope you gonna like it, please let me know what do you think about it. Do you like it more on the white french or the black one, because I just can't decide it. :)

Kisses girls :*

Dragele mele,

V-am promis la o postare anterioara sa va arat cum se aplica autocolantul water decal si de ce sunt ele mai bune decat celelate autocolante care se lipesc pur si simplu pe unghii. Eu sunt total indragostita de aceste stickere, astfel incat le-am incercat si pe o baza foarte inchisa ca sa vad cat de bine rezista ele la asa o provocare. Desi initial am avut senzatia ca nu va da bine, contrastul nefiind destul de puternic intre baza neagra si trandafirii albastri, pana la urma am fost foarte multumita de rezultat. Am combinat mai multe materiale de decor, pentru ca imi plac modelele mai excentrice, astfel incat am folosit glitter si piericele pe langa autocolant. 
Fetele care vor sa cumpere autocolante, dati click aici.
Vizionati videoclipul atasat pentru a vedea cum se aplica stickerul, iar apo sunt curioasa sa aflu parerea vostra: alb ssau negru? Eu sincer, nu ma pot decide, cred ca depinde si de ocazie, si de starea pe care o am, in orice caz sunt nerabdatoare sa aflu parerea voastre. 

Christmas manicure / New Year's Eve nail art / Manichiura de craciun / Manichiura de Revelion

Hi girls,
There is another Christmas nail art idea, not that much focused on the Christmas motives as the other one, I posted a few days ago. I was thinking about a New Year's Eve nail art as well, Christmas so, something for this period... I wanted to give the sensation of richness, special occasion, elegance and wellness.

I used gold nail polish and I want to share you a few things about this color, I found on the internet:
Gold means riches and excess:
A cousin to yellow (and orange and brown) is gold. While green may be the color of money (U.S. money, that is) gold is the color of riches and extravagance.
Nature of Gold:
The color gold shares many of the attributes of yellow. It is a warm color that can be both bright and cheerful as well as somber and traditional.

That's it. :) This time I didn't made a video because this nail art is not something hard to do, so I'm sure you can figure out if you want to how to do it :)
 Kisses to you girls! :*

Special french manicure with water decal sticker / Manichiura french cu autocolant water decal

Hi girls,

Another french manicure, a really special one, that I adore so much. It's simple, elegant, very feminine and it fits for any occasion. The flowers aren't painted by me :) they are made with water decal sticker which imitates one stroke painting so well, that it's just impossible to realize that they are not made by hand.
Video is coming soon.

Dragele mele,

Un alt model de french vreau sa va arat, unul care mie imi este foarte drag pentru eleganta, simplitatea si feminitatea lui. Florile sa nu credeti sa sunt pictate de mine... desi n-ar fi rau sa fiu in stare de asa ceva... :P, ele sunt abtibilduri speciale cu imitatie one stroke. Aceste abtibilduri sunt minunate pentru ca sunt foarte subtiri, si nu au contur transparent foarte fin, astfel ele pot fi lipite si pe un fond inchis fara sa creeze senzatia de autocolant. Trebuie sa recunosc ca in viata mea n-am mai folosit asa ceva, iar acum sunt foarte incantata ca am avut ocazia sa le incerc. In curand am sa pregatesc un model pe fond inchis si o sa inregistrez ca sa puteti vedea cat de usor se lipesc si cat sunt de minunate.
Pentru cele care sunt interesate, pretul unui abtibild este de 4.99 Ron, coala contine 20 de floricele diverse marimi pentru fiecare unghie. Sunt 20 de modele diferite, le gasiti pe toate in shop-ul meu on-line daca dati click aici.

Urmeaza sa postez zilele astea si videoclipul cu acest model. E gata:

Christmas nail art / Manichiura de Craciun

Hello Ladies,

Christmas is so close, so I was trying to get the Christmas mood with my last nail art design. For this design I choose warm shades, that reflects the idea of home, loving and peace. I also prepared a tutorial for all of you who love this design and want to try out on your own nails :) It's really easy to do, and I'm absolutely sure, you will be a real angel with this nail art :) 
And if it's (almost) Christmas I guess it's right to share my dream with you guys, you know, I'm dreaming from some time of opening a small nail art boutique with the best products I've ever tried. I already dreamed of how it will look like, how will I arrange the products, what the color of the wall will be and so on... :) So, I'm really close for my dream to come true, I already got the list of the products, I already took a lot of pictures with them, I already prepared a few and I also uploaded them to a website something similar with amazon or e-bay that works only in Romania. This is until my website will be ready. I'm working on it really hard, but it's a lot of work for a perfectionist like me, so I want to do everything by myself... :) Obviously the site will be with on-line shopping, it will be working international, so I hope you will all find some nice stuff to buy at my shop :)  Until than, maybe you can take a look at that Romanian website where I've uploaded some of the products, and I'm waiting for your opinion, what do you think it would be great to include (or exclude), I know there is only about 50 products, but I will upload more products daily, until my website will be ready. I hope, you don't mind that I was sharing with you this project of mine, and please, feel yourself free to help me with ideas about it. I'd really appreciate your opinion.
In order to enter my provisional shop, click here.
Kisses guys, and enjoy the Christmas nail art! :)

Dragele mele, :)
Incerc sa intru in atmosfera sarbatorilor cu acest model de Craciun, pentru care am ales sa folosesc nuante pline de caldura, care sa reflecte ideea de familie, acasa, intelegere, bucurie si pace. Lucruri dupa care aspiram cu totii :) Pentru fetele carora le place acest model v-am pregatit si un tutorial usor de urmarit, in speranta ca in felul acesta pot sa ma si eu o contributie minora ca voi sa fi niste ingerasi si la propriu si la figurat cu asa niste unghiute aranjate in ajunul Craciunului.

Si daca tot vorbesc de Craciun, vrea sa va impartasesc un vis de-al meu pe care-l am de ceva timp si anume sa deschid un magazin cu produse pentru manichiura si nail art. Am visat deja de o mie de ori cu lux de amanunt toate detaliile incepand cu modul in care am sa expun produsele, culorile care domina incaperea, tot-tot. Vreau doar produse intr-adevar bune, testate de mine la preturi accesibile, cu consultanta personala, cu un site de pe care poti cumpara on-line nunumai din tara... tot feluri de chestii din astea.
Ei, si acum incet cu incetul visul incepe sa prinda forma si sa devina realitate. Deja am stabilit in linii mari lista produselor, am facut o gramada de poze cu ele, pe care trebuie apoi sa pregatesc pentru site, cu descrieri, cu tutoriale, cu de toate. Pentru ca vreau un shop PERFECT, in care oricine sa se simta cu adevarat servit, cu produsele cele mai bune si cele mai potrivite pentru nevoile lui personale, dar si la un pret accesibil.
Dar m-am gandit intre timp, sa va cer si voua parerea, si am incarcat pozele (cele pregatite pana-n momentul de fata, si care se vor inmulti pe zi ce trece) pe o pagina provizorie sa zic asa, pentru ca in momentul in care site-ul "oficial" va functiona, evident produsele vor disparea de acolo. Dar pana atunci, mai este muuult de lucru, desi fac tot posibilul ca sa nu trag de timp, cu siguranta mai e nevoie de vreo 2 saptamani. Vreau sa va mai spun ca vor fi mult mai multe produse, deci lista pe care o vedeti acolo e doar inceputul, dar sunt foarte curioasa sa vad reactia voastra referitor la produse, pret, la orice idee pe care vreti sa o impartasiti cu mine.
Pentru a accesa link-ul "provizoriu" dati click aici
Va multumesc anticipat si va puuup :)

Just a little practice

Hi girls,

I did some practice with acrylic paint on nail tips, check them out! :)

Buna fetelor!

Am fost harnicuta si am pictat niste tipsuri sa ma mai imprietenesc cu vopselele acrilice. Pareri? :)

Make up inspired nails - contest entery

Hello Ladies! :)
I found a contest on youtube (it was almost closed, but fortunately I still had a few days to try myself out. I loved the theme: make up inspired nail art... so, I found an amazing make up, and I also dreamed of a gorgeous nail art inspired by that work. But... when time comes, I just wasn't able to draw on my nails whatever was in my mind... So it turned out something totally else than I wanted, but it seems like it's not that bad :P

The contest will be closed at 2nd december, and after it we will se who will be the winner. Anyway, I really had a lot of fun doing this nail art, so I will probably search another make up and do another make up inspired nail design, because I found the theme just wonderful :)
I will let you know about the results as soon as it will be published :)
Until then, let me know what you think about my choose :P

Buna fetelor!
Particip la un concurs pe YT, woaooh... ce tematica minunata: manichiura inspirata din machiaj. Evident poate fi vorba atat de un machiaj extravagant cat si de unul mai discret, la alegerea fiecaruia. Am avut noroc ca am reusit sa prind perioada de nscriere, pentru ca chiar mi s-a parut o idee minunata. Astfel am si decis sa mai fac un model inspirat din machiaj dupa ce a m gasit o gramada de poze superbe pe internet. Credeti-ma e o sursa de inspiratie inepuizabila.

In fine, pt concurs am ales un make up super-indraznet, foarte excentric, si tot visam cu ochii deschisi la ce model smecher fac dupa el. Dar cand m-am apucat de treaba, parca pensula mea tot aluneca intr-o alta directia, astfel incat rezultatul final a fost cu totul diferit de ceea ce am vrut inital.
Am sa va tin la curent cu noutatle, sa vedem cine va castiga concursul .Des premiile nu sunt cine stie ce, sunt ferm convnsa ca e ma mportant particpata, decat sa vrei sa castgi cu orice pret. Desi cateodata trebuie sa si castgam :P
Astept parerile voastre :P
Va puuuup :)

Red french with white roses

Hi ladies,

I'm gonna be quick, it's late night already, I want to jump in bad as soon as possible, but first, I'm gonna show you a new french mani. I intended to do a V french, but it turned out a normal french, or something between classical and V french ...LOL... I like this design because it's simple, easy and you don't have to be a nail artist to do it. You can use any other colors, any other motives, I guarantee it will look great. Just play with the colors, the motives, paint whatever you like :)
I'm a little sad, because this was my favorite red polish from Farmec (a Romanian product), and I just find out that they will not product this shade anymore... Grrrrr... I'm gonna complain about this directly to the manager! :) I'm gonna stand up in the name of all the polish addicts in order to save this beautiful red polish :) 
LOL... I was kidding about the 2nd part. 
So, that's it for this time, I hope you'll like it even if it's not a complicated design, we need simple things in our lifes as well as complicated ones. :)

Kisses to you girls, and take care :)

Ps. I have a video this time. Sorry for the bad light effects... :(