I have decided to make some changes on my blog. Here are the major changes:
1. From now on I will only talk about nail art, nail polishes, nail treatments and so on (all about nails) - it's quite normal, as it's a nail art blog... :)
2. I will write this nail blog on english as well. By the way I apologize in advance for my broken english, for all the grammatical mistakes .. sorry, I'll try to do my b

3. I will show you much pictures with my nail art designs, and I will try not to bore you with all my kind of a stupid stories :)
For this nail art design I used acrylic paints, it's a one stroke nail art design with flower motive, so just perfect for summer! Instead of rose if you will try this out with a lighter color as rose for ex. you will get a more girlie nail art.
As you can see, I cut my nails and I also gave to them another shape.. I've just needed a change:) It feels a little strange with my new-shaped "short" (lol) nails, but I'll get used with them. I also think that the older shape it was more feminine and much more easier to wear.
Dragele mele,

Mi-am propus niste schimbari (majore) sa le fac pe blog, dupa cum

1. De acum incolo nu mai fac pe scriitoarea si va povestesc toate ideeile mele fara vreao legatura cu nail-art, ci o sa abordez teme ce tin de manichiura, nail art si ingrijirea mainilor si a unghiilor.
2. Am sa incerc sa traduc si in engleza ce am de spus, pe aceasta cale imi cer scuze pentru greselile gramaticale pe care veti sesiza cu siguranta... Oricum sa stiti, ca imi dau toata silinta :)
3. De acum incolo am sa va arat mai multe poze cu modele, decat sa va tin cu povesti nemuritoare :) lol
Asadar, ca sa si trec la subiecy: Pentru acest model amfolosit doar vopsele acrilice si tehnica one stoke. E super-potrivit pentru vara datorita motivelor florale dar si a cromaticii. Pentru o aparenta mai tonica incercati pe un fond roz.Dupa cate ati observat, mi le-am schimbat forma unghiilor, nu le mai port ascutite, ci le-am dat forma patrata. Sper sa ma obisnuiesc cu ele, desi mi-e dor rau de unghiile mele ascutite, care sunt mult mai feminine si mult mai usoare de purtat.

mai presus decat superb..
Merci Kory, desi in realitate aratau mult mai bine, din cauza sclipicilor nu au iesit pozele... Concluzia: data viitoare fara sclipici :)
no coment ! prea frumoase , felicitari !
Multumesc, ma bucur ca-ti plac :)
ma bucur ca iti plac, mai am mult pana ajung sa fac one stroke ca tine ..., eu le-am comandat de aici (http://www.vivalanails.co.uk/search.asp?keyword=X001+ )
e frumusel dar o pisicuta e si mai frumusel
Whaouuuuuu I didn't know your blog yet and I discover it and I can tell you that you have a new fan :D = ME ^^ You are very strong, what you do is very beautiful & you are a champion in one stroke !!!!!!
See you soon of course :D
Hey Saori, :) I love your nail art as well :) I find you very gifted, and I love your nails, they are more than beautiful :) I'm only at the beginning with one stroke, this one actually turned out quite well :)I'm glad you liked :) Kisses!
Multumesc Adreea, esti prea draguta :*
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