Hey guys,
I had to admit, I totally love spiral nail-art motives. You can see on tartofraises's blog some gorgeous spiral ideas for nail art that really turned me on. I feel like it's so aristocratic, so baroque, so absolutely elegant. You will feel just like a queen, when you'll wear such a nail art :) I also have to say that I hate gold color, and all the other colors that are close to gold. But when we talk about baroque, you can't think of anything else but GOLD... so, I toke my one and only Golden Rose nail polish, I used acrylic paint and my detail brush for the spirals. At the end I used a top coat, that it's not too shiny, to get a more antique sensation.

I hope you'll like it :)
Dragele mele,
Trebuie sa recunosc ca ador modelele cu spirale... Am gasit pe blogul lui tartofraises niste modele uluitoare, care m-au inspirat si n-am rezistat tentatiei sa nu incerc un asemenea model si pe unghiile mele. Spiralele te duc inapoi in timp prin fluiditatea liniilor parca
te trezesti intr-o lume aristocrata, cu atata eleganta si extravaganta. Dar vorbind de baroc nu ne putem lua gandul de nuantele aurii, bogate in lumina si sclipire.
Totodata vreau sa va marturisesc ca detest nuantele calde, tot ce tine de auriu, portocaliu, galben, consider ca nu mi se potrivesc. Nuanta tenului meu parca cere culori reci, puternice sau mai blande, dar sub nici o forma nuante de galben.
Totusi, neputand rezista tentatiei, m-am dat cu singura mea oja de nuanta aurie (de la Golden Rose), iar pentru a desena spiralele am folosit vopsea acrilica si pensula pentru detalii. In final am folosit un lac transparent aproape mat, pentru a crea o senzatie de autenticitate, de eleganta trecuta prin ghearele necrutatoare ale timpului (ohh, ..foarte plastic am reusit sa ma exprim) lol
Oricum, sper sa va placa :)
In sfarsit, am sa va dau o veste minunata:
Am castigat locul 3 la concursul lui 3TanjaJ3 pe youtube, al carui tematica era vacanta, iar eu am candidat cu modelul pe care il gasiti postat la data de 03.07.2010.

I had to admit, I totally love spiral nail-art motives. You can see on tartofraises's blog some gorgeous spiral ideas for nail art that really turned me on. I feel like it's so aristocratic, so baroque, so absolutely elegant. You will feel just like a queen, when you'll wear such a nail art :) I also have to say that I hate gold color, and all the other colors that are close to gold. But when we talk about baroque, you can't think of anything else but GOLD... so, I toke my one and only Golden Rose nail polish, I used acrylic paint and my detail brush for the spirals. At the end I used a top coat, that it's not too shiny, to get a more antique sensation.

I hope you'll like it :)
At the end there is a special announcement I had to make: I won 3rd place on 3TanjaJ3's vacation theme nail art contest with the pink-black nail art design, I've posted on my blog at 03.07.2010
Dragele mele,
Trebuie sa recunosc ca ador modelele cu spirale... Am gasit pe blogul lui tartofraises niste modele uluitoare, care m-au inspirat si n-am rezistat tentatiei sa nu incerc un asemenea model si pe unghiile mele. Spiralele te duc inapoi in timp prin fluiditatea liniilor parca

Totodata vreau sa va marturisesc ca detest nuantele calde, tot ce tine de auriu, portocaliu, galben, consider ca nu mi se potrivesc. Nuanta tenului meu parca cere culori reci, puternice sau mai blande, dar sub nici o forma nuante de galben.
Totusi, neputand rezista tentatiei, m-am dat cu singura mea oja de nuanta aurie (de la Golden Rose), iar pentru a desena spiralele am folosit vopsea acrilica si pensula pentru detalii. In final am folosit un lac transparent aproape mat, pentru a crea o senzatie de autenticitate, de eleganta trecuta prin ghearele necrutatoare ale timpului (ohh, ..foarte plastic am reusit sa ma exprim) lol
Oricum, sper sa va placa :)

In sfarsit, am sa va dau o veste minunata:
Am castigat locul 3 la concursul lui 3TanjaJ3 pe youtube, al carui tematica era vacanta, iar eu am candidat cu modelul pe care il gasiti postat la data de 03.07.2010.
You know I just subscribed to your blog through Google Friend Connect but on my account it says "can't find the feed, check if the URL is correct". So I can't get to read it among the subscriptions. I also can't add it to my blogroll. The URL works and brings me here though so I don't see where's the problem :/
Hm... I don't know why's that... Nobody complained so far away about those... I will check out my google account.. I don't have a clue why are you receiving this message... Sorry...
So beautiful !! I love these colors !!!
Tartograises: Well, I was sooo badly inspired by your works... I love your spirals, I just can't resist not to try them out. BTV: I hate gold, LOL - I guess it doesn't fit with my skin corour... Thx anyway, your words are like treasure to me :) Kisses!
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