Me on youtube :P

Hi girls,

Today I want to tell you about my youtube channel. It's been almost 1 year since I'm so called active on youtube, I've uploaded some nail art tutorials, really a few only (17 videos), and I'm entering my account about once a month. So, not much wasted time. What was the result?
I'm having:
  • almost 10 000 upload views,
  • more than 450 subscirbers,
  • one contest winner 3rd place,
  • almost 400 access from youtube to my blog.

This is less if I'm counting as a one year realization, but it's a lot if I'm thinking of the time I've invested and the effort I gave to that project.

I want to share with you a youtube video of mine, a slideshow with some of my earlier nail arts that I never made a tutorial of them, so I've only post the pictures of the ready nail arts. All of you guys, who are following my blog since some time, you will know all the designs, but for my brand new followers it will be probably something new.
Anyway, please feel yourself free to pick one of the nail art you like most and another one you think it's not quite nice, and tell me your motivation about it. That would be really helpful for me. 
 Want to know my opinion? I like most the white-pink french with rhinestones on stiletto nails starting at 1:30 because it's such a princess nailart, with lots of pink and rhinestones, and I love both of them :) I dislike the french nail art with some pink and black motives starting at 1:15, because those motives are so ugly, as I just can't stand them....i don't even know what they are LOL.. I'm even wondering, how was I able to do such an ugly thing :DD
So, I'm  really waiting for your comments, I hope we'll have fun with it :)
Thank you in advance! :) 

Less is more :)

Hello Ladies! :)

Today I'm gonna show you  a very easy nail art, that can be realized easily even by a beginner. Because lately I've been creating nail arts with acrylics, lots of drawings, now I felt like it's time for some smooth, easy design. You can use any other color, not just black and magenta, I'm sure it would look great for example with a nice red and white combination, or red with silver :) You're free to try out different colors if you like this design and want to try out. For this nail art I used black from Moyra Chic No 130 and a nice magenta nail polish with glitters from Moyra No 100. 
What do you think of it? :)

Buna dragele mele,

Pentru azi v-am pregatiti un model extrem de simplu de realizat chiar si pentru incepatori. Dupa ce in postarile recente v-am tot prezentat modele cu vopsele acrilice, mai complicate, acum am simtit nevoia unui model mai relaxat, mai simplu. Evident, puteti incerca modelul si in alte combinatii de culori, de exemplu, mie mi-ar placea si intr-o varianta rosu-alb sau rosu-argintiu :) Pentru modelul pe care il vedeti pe poze am folosit un negru minunat de la Moyra Chic No. 130 (ador acest lac pentru textura lui si pentru pensula cea mica cu care se poate lucra atat de usor!) si un alt lac minunat un roz foarte aprins, un magenta cu scipici tot de la Moyra No. 100.
Astept parerile voastre :) 

2nd autumn design on french manicure

Hi girls,

Here is another autumn nail art design, a more simple one than it was the first. I made a creamy french nail first - so it's not white, it's a creamy french - maybe it is impossible to see this on the pictures, but I guess, it's important. After that I draw one leave on each nail with acrylic paint, than I gave the design some dynamic by the golden motives.
I'm not satisfied with this nail art, I feel like something is missing, like the whole picture, the whole idea it has nothing to say. The problem is that I just can't realize what is wrong with it, so if you have any idea, please, let me know! I'd really appreciate your opinions. Thanks in advance :) Byee...

Buna dragele mele!

 Iata inca un model legat de toamna, unul de rebut as zice, pentru ca sunt total dezamegita de acest model. Ca si baza am folosit un french cremos, deci nu alb, ci culoarea untului, pentru ca am senzatia, ca un french strident nu mergea nicicum cu culorile toamnei. desi in poza nu prea se distinge, tin sa mentionez acest detaliu pentru ca il consider destul de important. In rest, am pictat cate o frunza pe fiecare unghie cu vopsele acrilice, s-spoi am incercat sa misc un pic toata imaginea prin acele motive aurii conturate cu negru. Pntru ca nu sunt deloc multumita si am senzatia, ca modelul in sine nu are absolut nimic de spus, ca e un model de fara suflet, cum ar veni, va rog din tot sufletul, daca aveti ideei, sa le impartasiti si cu mine: ce-i lipseste modelului respectiv, ce trebuia sa fac altfel ca sa am o imagine cu continut pe unghii :) Va multumesc anticipat si va pupic dulce :) Ciaooo

Antique gold spirals

Hi girls,

Today I'm gonna show you guys a quick, easy nail art, a very elegant one. This week I was wearing simple black manicure, without any nail art on it, cause I love simple black nails.But before I cleaned my nails of it, I did a quick nail art on it, so I'm sorry, the basic black is not that beautiful after 4 days of wearing, than it was after I applied.
I also wanted to try out my brand new antique gold acrylic paint, so I decided to combine black with gold. Because these two colors gives the idea of elegance, I wanted to do a manicure with baroque influences.
I really hope you'll like it, so I.m waiting for your opinions :)
Byeee :)

Dragele mele, Astazi vreau sa va arat un model foarte usor de realizat, in doar 5-10 minute si fara sa fiti inzestrate de cine stie ce talent de artist. Dupa ce saptamana asta am purtat o manichiura simpla neagra, fara vre-un model pe ea, inainte sa-mi curat unghiile am decis sa mai fac un model rapid pe ele. Totodata voiam sa incerc si noile vopsele acrile pe care le-am luat de la Moyra. Legat de ele pot sa va spun ca au o calitate mediocra, gradul de acoperire medie, iar pretul se incadreaza exact la calitatea produsului: medie.
Va rog sa ma scuzat pentru baza neagra, care nu mai e asa frumoasa ca dupa aplicare, deoarece are deja o "vechime" de 4 zile pe unghiile mele.
Astept parerile voastre despre modele, fie ele chiar si mai negative sau chiar descurajante. O critica constructiva este intotdeauna binevenita :)
Va pup dulce:) Ciaooo

Nail art contest: FALL - the results ...Concurs de nail art: TOAMNA - resultatul.....

Hey ladies,

It's fall, it's beautiful outside, and it's also an important day for all those nail art lovers who participated to Tartofraises's nail art contest. I loved the theme, I took so many pictures of my nails, I'm gonna share all of it with you my dears. 
About the contest: I didn't win, I finished at 4th place, but I'm happy with it, because it means there were lots of people that loved my nail art :) And I had really great time doing it, taking pictures, so, I guess it's ok :)
My nail art represents the nature at fall time, the wood with it's wild beauty, it's unreached perfection. This is what I tried to symbolize. I painted some rose-hips, because it means free energy, food and helth given by the nature. I also did a dark brown french manicure with lots of glitters - different colors - just like it looks the wood in an early dewy, sunny morning. Just sparky :)
I didn't use stamp, even if it was allowed, because I thought iit's impossible to copy nature with some stamps... How unique nature can be in autumn, I'd love to try to copy it with it's imperfections as well :) Silly idea, I know, but this is me, kind' a old fashioned . Even if I saw some gorgeous nail arts realized with Konad, I still love freehand designs more than anything else :) 
I'm happy for my dear friend, Saori for winning 3rd place, congratulations, she realized a beautiful nail design, she managed so well the colors, so her fall is exactly where I'd love to be right now :) She's the only one who makes me want try out Konad stamping :P
 So this is enough spoke, let's see the pictures, cause I got so many! 

Miss the summer one stroke nail art

Hi girls,

It's been so cold the past days, I've missed the hot summer days, so I decided to create a nail art with summer feeling "in memoriam" of the summer.
I used for base color a beautiful green, the color is awesome, but the polish itself it is a really bad one. I used six! coats to get a uniform base color, I had to wait 6-7 minutes after each coat - so, it takes some time... Here is that really weak nail polish from Golden Rose, and my base coat picture.... It looks awesome :( Lucky me: I used acrylic to hide the imperfection of it...
I wanted some one stroke because I didn't used this technique from a while, so I wanted to paint some simple roses with leaves.
Because it's been a while since I won't show you any one stroke, I made a video with some older one stroke nail art, just to review them once again.
I hope you'll enjoy it.
Kisses! :)

Dragele mele,

Anul asta ne-a surprins frigul prea devreme. Inca retraiesc amintirile zilelor toride de vara, pecand ieri dimineata am gasit masina in parcare inghetata de tot, afara fiind -4 grade... Am vrut sa realizez un model in memoria verii, in culori vii, jucause, pline de viata.
Am ales un verde foarte frumos de la Golden Rose. Desi nuanta mi s-a parut extraordinara, lacul in sine m-a dezamagit de tot. Dupa sase! aplicari am reusit o baza cat de cat uniforma... Timpul de uscare fiind de 6-7 minute / strat, am avut ceva de asteptat pana am obtinut culoarea dorita, desi rezultatul - dupa cum se vede si in poza - mai lasea de dorit... :(
E bine ca am scos vopselele acrilice si am pictat niste trandafiri ca sa mai acopar imperfectiunile bazei. Am pictat niste trandafiri simpli de tot, cu frunze, si mi-am dat seama ca dupa ce n-am mai folosit tehnica one stroke de ceva timp, mi-am cam pierdut indemanarea... :(
Daca tot aveam o stare nostalgica, am montat repede si un slideshow cu modelele mele mai vechi realizate cu aceasta tehnica, doar pentru o scurta recapitulare.
Sper sa va placa :)
Va pup! :)

Nail art contest: FALL / Concurs de nail art: TOAMNA

Hi girls,

There is a nail art contest organized by the gorgeous Tartofraises. There are 136 nail art designs with the same theme: fall. You can see how each of the participants feels about fall, and how they express their feeling about it, directly on their nails.
All the nail arts are made on natural nails, and all of them are so gorgeous, creative and unique, as you will love to see all of them.
Have fun, and vote for those you like more, it's multiple choice :) You can choose the winners! :)
Click the link below to see all the enteries:

Dragele mele,

Avem concurs de nail art din nou! :) Tartofraises a lansat cel de-al patrulea concurs al ei cu tematica: toamna. Sunt 136 de participanti, cu modele minunate, deosebite. Navigand prinre poze veti vedea ce inseamna acest anotimp pentru fiecare dintre participanti si cum a reusit fiecare sa expuna acel sentiment pe unghile ei proprii :) Modelele sunt realizate cu exclusivitate pe unghii naturale, acest lucru fiind una dintre regulile de baza a concursului. Va doresc distractie placuta, aveti ocazia sa si votati modele cele mai reusite, cu posibilitatea de a alege chiar si mai multe dintre ele. Castigatorii vor fi alese doar pe baza voturilor voastre :)

Still roses

Hi girls!

I made an obsession of roses, so I hope you'll not get bored with the very same nail art as it was last time. I dream to reach perfection drawing those roses, so I need practice... :) It might seem like lack of inspiration, but you can also consider as a proof of perseverance - it sounds much better .... LOLAnyway, next time I promise to come with some brand new nail art, something special, until then... the same old roses... upgraded a little bit :)
I wish you all guys a lot of prosperity and inspiration for great nail arts :)
Hugs and kisses

Salutare mare!

Am facut o obsesie din trandafiri, nu ma pot opri, vreau sa le scot PERFECT. Astfel, iarasi m-am apucat de exersat, am schimbat un pic culorile, dar in mare e acelasi lucru ca si cea de data trecuta. Stiu... dau dovada de lipsa de inspiratie... :( Imi economiseam inspiratiile pentru un model foarte deosebit :) pe care am sa va arat undeva pe la sfarsitul lunii numai. Evident, pana atunci o sa mai revin cu alte modele, decat trandafirasii, dar deocamdata, dand dovada de perseverenta, revin cu acelasi model, un pic "reconditionat" fata de data trecuta :)
Va pup, si sa aveti mult spor si inspiratie pentru unghiute deosebite :) si nu numai ... :)