I'm going purple today! :) I ♥ purple, all shades of it, and I also love pink, any kind of pink :P
So, I did a new manicure with purple gradient and some glitters (I ♥glitters) and I also draw some black motives on it. Actually, I'm not to good at sponge technique, so I wanted to keep practicing on this one. I also made a video, where you can see how I realized this nail art. I hope you'll enjoy it. Hm... I can't pay attention right now, I'm also watching a movie, so I'm gonna upload the pictures and the video, and let you enjoy it :)
Kisses! :)P.s. If you have any question about it, don't hesitate to ask me :)
Buna fetelor!
Astazi vreau sa va arat un model mov, de fapt un model cu mai multe nuante de mov, un degradeu realizat cu tehnica "sponge" (burete). Trebuie sa va marturisesc, ca nu sunt f priceputa cu buretele, asa ca va rog sa considerati acest model ca unul de practica, urmand ca in viitor sa ma descurc ceva mai bine :) sper...:) De data asta am inregistrat (si l-am si editat... ca de obicei aici apar problemele...) tot procesul pentru cei carora ar putea fi de folos. Deja incep sa vorbesc aiurea, ma uit la un film asa incat atentia mea e injumatatita, ceea ce se si vede la frazele haotice pe care le tot scriu pe aici. Deci va las, aspetp parerile, intrebarile voaste si sper sa va placa.
Numai bine va doresc. Va pupic :)
This gradient is really wonderful, thank you for the video !
@Lulline: Thank you! :) I'm glad you liked it :)
Thank you for the video, it's beautiful, i love this
Subscrubed to ur YT channel.
Very nice mani!
foarte interesante :) imi place combinatia, si iti admir unghiile nu stiu cum reusesti sa le pastrezi asa lungi si frumoase
@MyMakeUpMania: Thx honey, I'd love to sub back to you on YT, but I don't know your user name :( Today I've got so many subscribes, I checked them all, but I just can't find your beautiful nails anywhere... Give me a sign where should I found you :) XOXO
@machalou: Thank you, I'm happy you like it :)
@andayn: Nu mai vreau sa ma repet, cat de mult inseamna parerea ta :) Mercic. Despre unghiile mele, mama natura a fost foarte darnica cu mine si m-a inzestrat cu niste unghii sanatoase, puternice, s-apoi am si eu un merit, pt ca am invatat sa traiesc cu ele asa lungi fara sa le rup. :)
nagyon szep ez a model. Ugyi vagy Ircsikem
@Anonymus: Koszi eccsanyam :P
thank you for the tutorial
wonderful work
love gradient & yours are amazing & you did them with facility when I watch your video :) I love this nail art a lot & you know that I love purple so ... kiss sweety
@diamants-d'ébènes, @Saori: Thx girls, love uuu :)
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