Hi girls,
There is a nail art contest organized by the gorgeous Tartofraises. There are 136 nail art designs with the same theme: fall. You can see how each of the participants feels about fall, and how they express their feeling about it, directly on their nails.
All the nail arts are made on natural nails, and all of them are so gorgeous, creative and unique, as you will love to see all of them.
Have fun, and vote for those you like more, it's multiple choice :) You can choose the winners! :)
Click the link below to see all the enteries:
Dragele mele,
Avem concurs de nail art din nou! :) Tartofraises a lansat cel de-al patrulea concurs al ei cu tematica: toamna. Sunt 136 de participanti, cu modele minunate, deosebite. Navigand prinre poze veti vedea ce inseamna acest anotimp pentru fiecare dintre participanti si cum a reusit fiecare sa expuna acel sentiment pe unghile ei proprii :) Modelele sunt realizate cu exclusivitate pe unghii naturale, acest lucru fiind una dintre regulile de baza a concursului. Va doresc distractie placuta, aveti ocazia sa si votati modele cele mai reusite, cu posibilitatea de a alege chiar si mai multe dintre ele. Castigatorii vor fi alese doar pe baza voturilor voastre :)
There is a nail art contest organized by the gorgeous Tartofraises. There are 136 nail art designs with the same theme: fall. You can see how each of the participants feels about fall, and how they express their feeling about it, directly on their nails.
All the nail arts are made on natural nails, and all of them are so gorgeous, creative and unique, as you will love to see all of them.
Have fun, and vote for those you like more, it's multiple choice :) You can choose the winners! :)
Click the link below to see all the enteries:
Dragele mele,
Avem concurs de nail art din nou! :) Tartofraises a lansat cel de-al patrulea concurs al ei cu tematica: toamna. Sunt 136 de participanti, cu modele minunate, deosebite. Navigand prinre poze veti vedea ce inseamna acest anotimp pentru fiecare dintre participanti si cum a reusit fiecare sa expuna acel sentiment pe unghile ei proprii :) Modelele sunt realizate cu exclusivitate pe unghii naturale, acest lucru fiind una dintre regulile de baza a concursului. Va doresc distractie placuta, aveti ocazia sa si votati modele cele mai reusite, cu posibilitatea de a alege chiar si mai multe dintre ele. Castigatorii vor fi alese doar pe baza voturilor voastre :)
Mulţumesc de vizită
şi semnul lăsat.
Să ai un weekend excelent!
Ircsikém, jól gondolom, hogy a fekete alapon, sárga-piros levelekkel és őszi bogyókkal, dupla-haránt ezüst csíkokkal modell a tiéd? Nekem az tetszik a legjobban, de még nem szavaztam. Jelezz vissza légyszíves. Meg a családfa témában is vázolj már nekem egy pontos programot, Órapontosat, ha tudsz, mert ezen is múlik, hogy haza megyünk-e. Minél előbb írd meg kérlek mind a két támát, nem kell rizsával töltened az időd, csak a lényeg számít. Puszillak Édeske!
Esetleg a csipkebogyós? Vagy a fekete alap, piros-sárga levél, kezedben fefér gyöngyökkel?
Csipkebogyo :)
Nem mondood?:D Akkor... votáljunk csak! :D
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