Hey guys!
You all know I'm a big fun of natural nails, this is the reason why I've dedicated this blog to nail art on natural nails.There were a few situations, when some of you thought, my nails are not real. Most at those time when I wear them in stiletto shape. Now I want to show you my nails, so you can see they are not fake :)
Even if I love long nails, I have decided to cut them much shorter. You do probably know how much I love diversity (in nail art :)) so, let's see how they look in a new short shape!
You will also have a video with a manicure routine, where you can see how I cut my nails short.About the products I used, there is a really cheap marigold cream instead of cuticle oil, and I also used a gorgeous romanian product from Farmec, it helps my nails grow long and helthy.
You all know I'm a big fun of natural nails, this is the reason why I've dedicated this blog to nail art on natural nails.There were a few situations, when some of you thought, my nails are not real. Most at those time when I wear them in stiletto shape. Now I want to show you my nails, so you can see they are not fake :)
Even if I love long nails, I have decided to cut them much shorter. You do probably know how much I love diversity (in nail art :)) so, let's see how they look in a new short shape!
You will also have a video with a manicure routine, where you can see how I cut my nails short.About the products I used, there is a really cheap marigold cream instead of cuticle oil, and I also used a gorgeous romanian product from Farmec, it helps my nails grow long and helthy.

Dupa o tacere (prea lunga), revin sa va arat unghiile mele nelacuite. Dupa ce am fost intrebata in mod repetat daca nu cumva sunt false, am decis sa va arat asa cum sunt ele fara lac, fara "masca".In acelasi timp mi-am propus o alta schimbare, si anume - dupa cum veti putea vedea si in videoclipul mai de jos - le-am taiat scurte. Voi stiti deja cat de mult imi plac provocarile, si schimbarile (in materie ed nail art:)), astfel aceasta noua schimbare se va manifesta in forma unghiilor scurte.

In loc de ulei pt cuticule folosesc crema de galbanele, mult mai eficient si mult mai ieftin, iar totodata minunatul produs autentic de la Famec, solutia pt intarirea unghiilor cu vitamina B5.
Tiszta, új kezdet; tiszta lappal való indulás; a múlt átértékelése, egy új irány; - számomra ezt sugallja, a natúr, megrövidített köröm. Nem részletezem. Tetszik. A gondolatmenet is, a látható eredmény is. Nagyon szeretlek, húgocskám, nagyon...nagyon...
ui. Én már régen betettelek a linkjeim közé. Te is betennél, vagy nem szeretnéd? Nincs belőle probléma, ha úgy döntesz, hogy nem. Puszillak
Wow nude you are beautiful, your nails of course lol
But what is your secret ??? I am very impressed cos your nails are white !!!! How do you do ??? which base coat do you use ??? or what else ???
Your hands are very beautiful too :)
Izacskam, koszi a biztatast, mar tul vagyok rajta :) Bocsi-bocsi, egyszeruen kiment a fejembol, az utobbi ido nagy osszevisszasagaban, meg szep hogy felteszleg a blogrollomra! :) Hat halljunk oda! :)
Hey sweet Saori,
Thx for your nice comment. In order to keep my nails white I use (when I don't forgot...:) lemon juice, I jut let my nails couple a minutes in the lemon juice. But you can use as well any kind of a toothpaste, just brush your nails as you brush your tooth :) Most important, before u apply the nail polish, you must use a base coat. Otherwise because of the pigments in the nail polish (mostly in dark colors) will make your nails so yellow... just like corn flakes ... :) That's all! :)
Kisses! :*
wow ce unghii frumoase ai lationanils..cand le taiai in videoclip ma durea si pe mine:((..ca erau asa de perfecte si frumoase..
eu folosesc pt cuticule ulei de migdale dulci si e foarte bun si ieftin
Da, chiar am auzit cat de bun e uleiul de migdale. Desi pana acum n-am incercat - eu folosesc unguent cu extract de galbanele (3.25 RON o cutie si-mi ajunge cam un an), cand mi se termina o sa-mi cumpar si eu ulei de migdale sa vad cu ochii mei cum functioneaza :) Mercic de tip :)
Nagyon szép ahogy dolgozol.
A körömápolásban pedig nyomdokodba lépek, én tényleg jóval kevesebb időt fordítottam rá eddig. Na főleg az uccsó 8 hónapban :P
Blog: milyen jó lenne, ha összeszedném magam s végre kilinkelnélek én is! :)) - máris.
Ircsikém, röppentettem a választ a mailre! Puszi!
Ai niste unghii superbe! Asta cu crema de galbenele chiar n-o stiam, cu siguranta o sa incerc :D
Édes Cica! Megkaptad a mailt? Jelezz please, hogy mizújs, hogy újra küldjem ha a visszadobódott véletlenül Oké? Puszi! Izs.
Mercic Liana :) Ma bucur ca ai gasit ideei noi in rutina mea de manichiura si sper sa-ti fii s itu multumita de crema de galbanele :)Te pupic.
Rita, edes vagy, mint mindig. S kivanom, hogy ne hagyd el magad, s igenis fogj neki a koromapolasnak, mert a szep apolt kez csak elonyodre valhat :) Igazan elenyeszo "beruhazas". :) Puszi
Édeske, ezek szerint nem kaptad meg most sem, a yahoo-ra küldtem...
Iza puszil!
I just adore your loooong beautiful natural fingernails this length and tip shape ! Simply magnificent ! :)
thank you for your nice comment, dave aka pnl :)
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