Hello Ladies! :)
I found a contest on youtube (it was almost closed, but fortunately I still had a few days to try myself out. I loved the theme: make up inspired nail art... so, I found an amazing make up, and I also dreamed of a gorgeous nail art inspired by that work. But... when time comes, I just wasn't able to draw on my nails whatever was in my mind... So it turned out something totally else than I wanted, but it seems like it's not that bad :P
The contest will be closed at 2nd december, and after it we will se who will be the winner. Anyway, I really had a lot of fun doing this nail art, so I will probably search another make up and do another make up inspired nail design, because I found the theme just wonderful :)
I will let you know about the results as soon as it will be published :)
Until then, let me know what you think about my choose :P
Buna fetelor!
Particip la un concurs pe YT, woaooh... ce tematica minunata: manichiura inspirata din machiaj. Evident poate fi vorba atat de un machiaj extravagant cat si de unul mai discret, la alegerea fiecaruia. Am avut noroc ca am reusit sa prind perioada de nscriere, pentru ca chiar mi s-a parut o idee minunata. Astfel am si decis sa mai fac un model inspirat din machiaj dupa ce a m gasit o gramada de poze superbe pe internet. Credeti-ma e o sursa de inspiratie inepuizabila.
In fine, pt concurs am ales un make up super-indraznet, foarte excentric, si tot visam cu ochii deschisi la ce model smecher fac dupa el. Dar cand m-am apucat de treaba, parca pensula mea tot aluneca intr-o alta directia, astfel incat rezultatul final a fost cu totul diferit de ceea ce am vrut inital.
Am sa va tin la curent cu noutatle, sa vedem cine va castiga concursul .Des premiile nu sunt cine stie ce, sunt ferm convnsa ca e ma mportant particpata, decat sa vrei sa castgi cu orice pret. Desi cateodata trebuie sa si castgam :P
Astept parerile voastre :P
Va puuuup :)