Make up inspired nails - contest entery

Hello Ladies! :)
I found a contest on youtube (it was almost closed, but fortunately I still had a few days to try myself out. I loved the theme: make up inspired nail art... so, I found an amazing make up, and I also dreamed of a gorgeous nail art inspired by that work. But... when time comes, I just wasn't able to draw on my nails whatever was in my mind... So it turned out something totally else than I wanted, but it seems like it's not that bad :P

The contest will be closed at 2nd december, and after it we will se who will be the winner. Anyway, I really had a lot of fun doing this nail art, so I will probably search another make up and do another make up inspired nail design, because I found the theme just wonderful :)
I will let you know about the results as soon as it will be published :)
Until then, let me know what you think about my choose :P

Buna fetelor!
Particip la un concurs pe YT, woaooh... ce tematica minunata: manichiura inspirata din machiaj. Evident poate fi vorba atat de un machiaj extravagant cat si de unul mai discret, la alegerea fiecaruia. Am avut noroc ca am reusit sa prind perioada de nscriere, pentru ca chiar mi s-a parut o idee minunata. Astfel am si decis sa mai fac un model inspirat din machiaj dupa ce a m gasit o gramada de poze superbe pe internet. Credeti-ma e o sursa de inspiratie inepuizabila.

In fine, pt concurs am ales un make up super-indraznet, foarte excentric, si tot visam cu ochii deschisi la ce model smecher fac dupa el. Dar cand m-am apucat de treaba, parca pensula mea tot aluneca intr-o alta directia, astfel incat rezultatul final a fost cu totul diferit de ceea ce am vrut inital.
Am sa va tin la curent cu noutatle, sa vedem cine va castiga concursul .Des premiile nu sunt cine stie ce, sunt ferm convnsa ca e ma mportant particpata, decat sa vrei sa castgi cu orice pret. Desi cateodata trebuie sa si castgam :P
Astept parerile voastre :P
Va puuuup :)

Red french with white roses

Hi ladies,

I'm gonna be quick, it's late night already, I want to jump in bad as soon as possible, but first, I'm gonna show you a new french mani. I intended to do a V french, but it turned out a normal french, or something between classical and V french ...LOL... I like this design because it's simple, easy and you don't have to be a nail artist to do it. You can use any other colors, any other motives, I guarantee it will look great. Just play with the colors, the motives, paint whatever you like :)
I'm a little sad, because this was my favorite red polish from Farmec (a Romanian product), and I just find out that they will not product this shade anymore... Grrrrr... I'm gonna complain about this directly to the manager! :) I'm gonna stand up in the name of all the polish addicts in order to save this beautiful red polish :) 
LOL... I was kidding about the 2nd part. 
So, that's it for this time, I hope you'll like it even if it's not a complicated design, we need simple things in our lifes as well as complicated ones. :)

Kisses to you girls, and take care :)

Ps. I have a video this time. Sorry for the bad light effects... :( 

Abstract autumn nail art / Manichiua abstarcta de toamna

Hi girls :)
In today's nail art I wanted to try out something new for me: combining abstract with flowers. I remember there was some time ago a contest on YT with such a theme, and I was having since than the desire to try that out. I also wanted to try out my new acrylic paints (they are gooorgeous, Yuppiii), so I used nail polish only for base coat and top coat. I do not make a video of this nail art, because you wouldn't be able to see a thing, as my camera is so weak and the details are so small, I tried to catch some moment while I was doing this design in order to help you understand how it was made. If you have any question about it, please don't hesitate to ask me :)

This week I had so many subscribers, I want to say a big WELL COME to all the girls who just joined my channel, I'm really happy you're interested in my so called nail art. I'm trying to do nail art since a year, so I'm not a professional, as you probably already realized, but I have a great passion for nail art. I try to help other girls with the same passion, so I appreciate every opinion of yours, you might be more original, you might have better ideas, so please, free yourself free to share them with me. I'm waiting for your comments, opinion, you can leave me your blogs URL, I'd happy to see your works :) 
That's for today,
Take care,

Dragele mele,
Astazi am un model in care am incercat sa combin abstractul cu floricele, folosind culorile toamnei. Pentru acest nail art am folosit doar vopsele acrilice (sa vedeti ca acrilice se folosesc si pt altceva decat one stroke), in afara de top coat si base coat, care evident sunt oje. 
De data asta nu qm inregistrat toata procedura de realizare, pentru ca detaliile sunt foarte mici si camera mea cu siguranta nu reusea sa redea mai nimic din ceea ce faceam. Dar am pregatit totusi niste poze in care sa va arat unele stadii de lucru pentru cei dornici sa copieze sau sa transforme in stilul lor acest model.

Cu titlu de NOUTATI vreau sa va spun ca am dat de niste acrilice superbe, intr-un final ma simt multumita de gradul lor de acoperire, de cat de repede se usuca si cum se intind. Am si luat decizia de a le importa, astfel incat in curand am sa va las si un link pentru cei interesati sa achizitioneze :) 

Saptamana asta foarte multe fete s-au alaturat blogului meu, cu aceasta ocazie vreau sa le spun BUN VENIT, sper sa gasiti informatii utile, surse de inspiratie sau alte informatii. In primul rand pentru ele vreau sa spun ca nu sunt o profesionista - cum probabil au si observat - imi fac singura unghiile fix de un an. Pasiunea mea in schimb pentru aceasta arta nu cunoaste limite, astfel incat daca aveti orice observatii, intrebari, comentarii, va rog sa ma intrebati linistite, pentru ca va raspund cu cel mai mare drag.

Atat pentru astazi,
Va pup dulce, aveti grija de voi :)

How to apply fimo slices on natural nails / Cum sa aplici fimo pe unghii naturale

Hi girls,
I won a lots of fimos on 3TanjaJ3's nail art contest on YT, thank you Tanja, but it tkes for me some time to find out how can I apply them on natural nails. They have that really annoying characteristic that as you put the top coat, they just curl up... Grrrrrrrrrr.... You know, fimos looks great if they are applied to the whole surface , not just in the middle....
So, I tried to apply them with nail tips glue, and it really works. Now they are perfectly following my nails and the mani is perfect for one week :P
I also made a video of it, so I hope it will work soon, I'm waiting now the accept from the YT, because first I've got denied because of the background music :(


Dragele mele,

Am o gramada de fimo dupa ce am castigat un concurs de nail art pe YT, dar pentru ca n-am avut de-a face cu acest produc pana acum, mi-a fost foarte greu sa-l aplic frumos. Problema cea mai mare e ca ele se incovoiesc foarte usor pe margini, si pur si simplu se dezlipesc de unghii.... Grrrrr....
Pana acum! Pentru ca de acum incolo nu mai fac figuri cu mine, am o noua metoda de a le lipi si de a tine lipite frumos pe toata suprafata lor chiar si pe unghia mica :P
Am pregatit si un videocilp, sper sa mearga in curand, ca am avut ceva probleme cu upload-ul pe YT, dar sper sa se rezolve in curand.

In final: stiu ca nu e un model tocmai potrivit pentru aceasta perioada a anului, dar daca ne luam dupa termometru, chiar se potrivesc de minune :P

Va pup! :)

How I whiten my natural nails

Hi girls,
Using a base coat before applying nail polish is the best way to keep your nails white. But, if you are wearing nail polish all the time, you can't really avoid: they will get stained in time :(
Another way to whiten your nails is using a buffer. It's a quick and easy way to have them whiter, but I don't advise you to buff your nails too often. If you choose to whiten your nails with buffer, choose a white or a pink buffer, those are the best for natural nails.
Here is an esay way to whiten your nails, you will need some toothpaste, and some fresh lemon juice... and 15-20 minutes :) You can follow this treatment as often you like, it has no side effect.The best way to keep you nails unstained is to follow the steps from the bellowed video once in a week, after you cleaned your nails of polish.
After the treatment you had to moisturize your hands and cuticles. That's all!
Please, don't forget, that natural nails are not that white as snow, so don't discourage :)
I hope this video will be helpful for all of you. :)

Dragele mele,
Noi, adeptii unghiilor naturale ne confruntam cu o problema majora in ceea ce priveste ingrijirea unghiilor: ingalbenirea lor inevitabila. Desi una dintre metodele cele mai bune - aplicarea unei base coat - e modalitatea cea mai eficienta de a-ti tine ungiile protejate de la pigmentii raufacatori al ojei, daca aveti unghiile vopsite tot timpul, ingalbenirea lor este inevitabila.
Modul cel mai rapid de a avea ungii albe e folosirea buffer-ului. Nu va sfatuiesc sa exagerati cu bufferul, pentru ca in timp unghiile voastre vor fi din ce in ce mai subtiri si pana la urma se vor rupe foarte usor. Daca totusi optati sa folositi buffer, sa alegeti ori unul alb ori unul roz - sunt cele mai bune pentru unghii naturale.
In videoclipul de mai sus vreau sa va arat un mod natural, usor de facut si acasa prin care veti putea pastra unghiile albe. Va sfatuiesc sa folositi tratamentul saptamanal dupa ce ati curatat unghiile voastre de oja. Veti avea nevoie de pasta de dinti, zeama proaspata de lamaie si 15-20 de minute. Dupa ce ati terminat tratamentul, nu uitati sa va hidratati mainile si cuticulele. 
Un ultim sfat: sa nu va descurajati, unghiile natural nu sunt chiar asa albe ca zapada :)
Va pup!

Purple manicure made with sponge technique

Hi girls,

I'm going purple today! :) I ♥ purple, all shades of it, and I also love pink, any kind of pink :P
So, I did a new manicure with purple gradient and some glitters (I ♥glitters) and I also draw some black motives on it. Actually, I'm not to good at sponge technique, so I wanted to keep practicing on this one. I also made a video, where you can see how I realized this nail art. I hope you'll enjoy it. Hm... I can't pay attention right now, I'm also watching a movie, so I'm gonna upload the pictures and the video, and let you enjoy it :)
Kisses! :)
P.s. If you have any question about it, don't hesitate to ask me :) 

 Buna fetelor!

Astazi vreau sa va arat un model mov, de fapt un model cu mai multe nuante de mov, un degradeu realizat cu tehnica "sponge" (burete). Trebuie sa va marturisesc, ca nu sunt f priceputa cu buretele, asa ca va rog sa considerati acest model ca unul de practica, urmand ca in viitor sa ma descurc ceva mai bine :) sper...:)  De data asta am inregistrat (si l-am si editat... ca de obicei aici apar problemele...) tot procesul pentru  cei carora ar putea fi de folos. Deja incep sa vorbesc aiurea, ma uit la un film asa incat atentia mea e injumatatita, ceea ce se si vede la frazele haotice pe care le tot scriu pe aici. Deci va las, aspetp parerile, intrebarile voaste si sper sa va placa.
Numai bine va doresc. Va pupic :)

Special french manicure

Hi girls,

Just a quick post today, without too much speech, I'm in a rush, so here is one of my favorite nail arts, I really enjoy to wear i. I found it simple and elegant, it's so easy to do it. The colors I would say they do not match together, but finally I'm really satisfied with this design. I was always saying how much I dislike black combined with gold, but when you put green to those two colors, that must to be something too much bizarre. With this design I realized that we had to be open for new ideas, for new color combinations, we had to dare to do something we used to believe that it would be wrong. Even if not all the time, but sometimes it might work. I guess, this time it turned out quite well :) What do you think? :)
Dragele mele,
O postare rapida, cu un nou model, care mi-a placut la nebunie pentru simplicitatea si eleganta lui. Desi intotdeauna am sustinut ca negrul nu da bine cu auriu, apoi daca pe langa astea doua mai punem si un pic de gri, e un dezastru cromatic :)... totusi, am indraznit sa combin aceste culori, si sunt foarte multumita de rezultat. Cu aceasta ocazie am inteles ca trebuie sa iesim din cand in cand din tiparele banale pe care de cele mai multe ori le creeam chiar noi, pentru ca o gura de aer curat ne poate face numai bine. Nu vreau sa zic ca trebuie sa renuntam la toate prejudecatiile noastre, ci doar ca merita din cand in cand sa trecem peste ele si sa indraznim sa facem experimente noi. 
Stiu ca majoritate fetelor care urmaresc acest blog fac parte din gasca celor care indraznesc, care incearca sa scoata ceva frumos de fiecare data din nimic, cum s-ar zice. Respect aceste fete pentru eforul si perseverenta depusa, pentru gustul rafinat pe care au reusit sa-l formeze si sunt mandra ca fac parte si eu din grupul acestor persoane. 
Va pup.
P.S. Sa-mi spuneti parerea :)