Black and white roses

Hello ladies! :)

Finally here I come with a brand new nail art, I had to recognize, that I was so badly inspired by Saori 's latest creation, I just had to copy it :) I hope, it's ok, sweet Saori :)

Here is her picture with her gorgeous nail art, so elegant, so feminine, so fresh. I just love it! :)
Actually, her nail art is realized with konad stamps, I tried to copy the roses by free hand draw... so, my roses are not so beautiful, not so perfect as her's, but I guess, it counts that I tried to do it free-hand :)
I'm not a fun of konad stamps, I do nail art for fun, so I love to do everything free hand, you know feel the beauty of creating... :)
So, here is my version, I worked with only two colors: black and white, and with french tips, because I wanted to do something inspired from her, but done "my way", my style.
This is what I did:.

Salutare mare tuturor fetelor! :)

Iata, intr'un final fericit, vin si eu cu o creatie noua, care trebuie sa recunosc, nu e o idee proprie, ci aveam o sursa de inspiratie superba in ultimul nail art al lui Saori .

Mai sus aveti poza afisata poza ei, cu un model atat de elegant, feminin, curat... incat pur si simplu nu rezistam sa nu o copiez.
Desi modelul ei e realizata cu ajutorul stampilelor konad - eu nu sunt adepta acestora... - mi-a placut enorm. Mie imi place sa desenez, sa pictrez pe unghii, sa fiu nevoita s-o sterg si s-o iau din nou de la capat dupa cate o greseala mai grava :)
Deci ideea e ca mi-am propus sa reproduc modelul ei in varianta desenata de mana, reducand si numarul culorilor pentru un aspect mai "office" si care sa reprezinte ceva din stilul meu, din ideeile mel proprii. Evident, sunt constienta, ca nu-s la fel de frumoase ca ale ei, dar sper sa apreciati faptul ca e facuta de mana, cu multa dragoste si rabdare :)

Old story / Poveste veche

Hey guys! :)

I have decided to show you guys a few of my not so nice nail arts that I made at the very beginning of my so called "nail art career" :)) Hahah, actually, it's just a hobby, so I wouldn't even imagine myself working as a nail artist. 'Cause I'm getting bored to fast of painting nails all day... :) So, even if this pictures are showing how unprofessional I was (and still am LOL), they are a really nice memory for me. I remember how happy I was when I brought my fist doter tool, my firs thin brush and so on.... :)
After this it comes a period of copying other girls, I actually loved to learn tricks and "stool" ideas from Raquel and Ophelie, and I still think, they are the best on the internet that works on natural nails. They are a lots of other girls I just can't mention all of them that inspired me and they still do :)
So, I hope you'll have fun, here are the pictures:

Hey fetele! :)
Ma gandeam ca dupa ce n-am mai postat de ceva timp, si neavand nimic frumus sa va arat... :( sa mai caut niste modele mai vechi pe care le faceam la inceputul "cerierei" de nail artist :))
Desi mi se par total banale, totusi, imi sunt dragi, pentru ca evoca acele timpuri cand nu stiam ce pensula sa folosesc pentru a putea trage linii subtiri si frumoase, imi tremura mana cum ajungeam cu oja in zona cuticulelor, si tot vopseam aiurea :) Imi aduc aminte cu drag de ziua cand am cumparat prima pensula pentru detalii, primul sclipici si minunatul punctometru. Aveam emotii enorme in magazin: habar nu aveam ce ar trebui sa cumpar, ce pot folosi pe unghii naturale si care sunt produsele specifice unghilor false.
Dupa aia a urmat o perioada de plagiatura (Raquel si Ophelie fiind cele de la care mi-a placut enorm sa invat) s-apoi incet cu incetul au aparut si ideiile proprii.
Gata cu vorba, haideti sa vedem pozele! :)

This very last one is 100% copied from Raquel, at that time I do not dare change the colors she used... :)) So I've copie her 100%! :)

Acest ultim model este reproducerea exacta a modelului facut de Raquel. La vremea aia nu indrazeam nici macar sa folosesc vreo alta culoare decat folosea ea, astfel incat poza reprezinta un model de plagiatura impecabila :))